Transmittal Report: Created by AutoCAD eTransmit Friday, May 19, 2006, 3:30 PM. Drawing: This is a transmittal based on 03006acov02.dwg. Files: Root Drawing: 03006acov02.dwg AutoCAD Font Map References: acad.fmp IrfanView TIF File References: cardinal head trans.tif AutoCAD Color-dependent Plot Style Table File References: PlotCfgs\AIA-Full.ctb The following files were excluded from the transmittal: Fonts\txt.shx Fonts\swissl.ttf Fonts\swissi.ttf Fonts\swissb.ttf The following files could not be located: Swiss 721 Light BT.(shx,ttf) PlotCfgs\XES Synergix 8850.pc3 Notes for distribution: Raster image files: Paths may be present on references to raster images. Make sure these paths work or that the root drawing is using the correct references. .CTB/.STB plot style tables: Please copy these files to the AutoCAD Plot Style Table Search Path directory.