Transmittal Report Created by AutoCAD eTransmit 01:37PM Monday, September 11, 2006 Drawing This is a transmittal based on nat-c500.dwg Files Root Drawing P:\b100301\dwg\nat-c500.dwg AutoCAD Drawing (External) References P:\b100301\dwg\03006apinf.dwg P:\b100301\ep\nat-base.dwg P:\b100301\dwg\00611.dwg P:\b100301\dwg\06axp01.dwg P:\b100301\dwg\msd20.dwg AutoCAD Font Map References C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2002\support\acad.fmp AutoCAD Compiled Shape References C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2002\fonts\txt.shx C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2002\fonts\romans.shx C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2002\support\SIMPLEX.shx C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2002\support\ltypeshp.shx C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2002\fonts\romand.shx C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2002\fonts\GREEKS.shx TrueType Font file References C:\WINDOWS\FONTS\swissl.ttf C:\WINDOWS\FONTS\swiss.ttf C:\WINDOWS\FONTS\ARIALI.TTF C:\WINDOWS\FONTS\swissb.ttf C:\WINDOWS\FONTS\GOTHIC.TTF C:\WINDOWS\FONTS\ARIAL.TTF Paint Shop Pro 5 Image References P:\b100301\dwg\bdmd_logo_white-black.jpg The following files could not be located: 07-Skees MYLAR.ctb Acrobat PDFWriter 8.5X11.pc3 Acrobat PDFWriter-42x30.pc3 01-Skees Draft.ctb XP-HP DesignJet 1050C by HP.pc3 Timnreb.(shx,ttf) I:\2003\03006 - UofL Natatorium\Scans\nat plan 022403.TIF Notes for distribution .DWG external reference files External reference (xref) paths were removed, so all xref paths must be placed on the AutoCAD search path, a project search path or in the same directory as the root drawing. eTransmit does not include files required by xrefs unless they are also required by the root drawing. In particular, plot style tables and overlay xrefs that are not used by the root drawing are omitted Raster image files Image paths were removed, so all image files must be placed on the AutoCAD search path, a project search path or in the same directory as the root drawing. .SHX fonts Please copy these fonts to the AutoCAD Fonts directory and check with the font manufacturer about distribution rights. Fonts supplied with AutoCAD are freely distributable. .TTF fonts TTF fonts must be registered with the Operating System. To register, copy these files to the system fonts folder or use the fonts application in the Control Panel. Check with the font manufacturer about distribution rights. Fonts supplied with AutoCAD are freely distributable.